Elisheva Liss

Let's Get Intimate:

Know yourself, know others, know your higher purpose.

We're here to help.

Let's begin your journey, one connection at a time.

Private Practice Tips

Do you run a private practice?  Are you looking to improve your therapy sessions?  This is for you.

Sacred Not Secret

Teaching your kids about sex should not be a secret but it is a sacred topic.  In this course we walk you through how to approach this topic.

Sacred Not Secret: Free Preview

Watch the first few lessons of our popular Sacred Not Secret course for FREE.

So You Might Want to Homeschool

If you are thinking about homeschooling but don't know where to start this course is for you.

How To Get The Most Out of Your Therapy Experience

These compact lessons, comprised of brief, easy to follow text and video segments, will walk you through some of the most common questions and concerns people have about the therapy process.

Religious Modesty Education Fails and Fixes

Did you or someone you love have unpleasant educational experiences with religious modesty education? Do you want to hear what doesn't seem to be resonating for girls and women about this topic, and how religious schools, families, and communities can improve the way we address this sensitive subject? In this talk, we look at some real life accounts of women's modesty education trauma, and then at some ideas of what can be done differently and how.

From Confrontation to Collaboration

Come join a group of like-minded thinkers as we spend a couple of hours together learning this user-friendly approach to relationship building and enhancement.


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